Friday, April 3, 2015

Let me rise with YOU...

How can I tell you my pains? 
Your wounds are unimaginable... 

How can I tell you how heavy my heart is? 
You have fallen many times carrying that cross.

How can I tell you I feel so helpless?
Your dearest friends have betrayed, denied and left  you.

How can I tell you I am weak and losing hope?
You have surrendered your last breath and trust everything to the Father.

How can I not forgive others and even myself?
You have begged the Father to forgive those who crucified You.

How can I not tell you anything...?

... but just "LET ME RISE WITH YOU..."

Friday, August 8, 2014

Unwinding the Past

Our past should not just be ended or forgotten... it should be unwound.  Starting anew everyday, is taking the courage to one by one recognize the gifts of the past as well as the challenges that we need to do better at. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Back on Track

Holy Wednesday Reflection:

Life is indeed a journey.  Going back on track is a lifetime struggle, because at times we tend to avoid the uncomfortable or inconvenient routes.  We make detours, and even stop by the road.  Crossroads sometimes delay our journey, and at times bring us anxieties.  Yet, I believe that those detours and crossroads are not a waste of time and energy.  They make our every step a trace of meaning and even a leap of faith...

Monday, May 21, 2012

You are Beautiful as You are

Photo by denis latraverse

When you feel small amidst the grandeur of your world, remember that you were created a part of that world; your existence is a stroke of paint that completes a masterpiece.


At times we see ourselves as lesser persons than the others.   These happen

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Life's Journey - Finding Our Way Home

Photo by Sweetverni

Life is a road of choices.  We live it by our day to day decisions and actions.  Which side of the road we choose to walk on, paints the perspective on what life is for us.  It is indeed a journey of discovering who and what we are in each and every step we take.

The journey is a race, not against others, but against the weaknesses and limitations of ourselves.  It is not to