Monday, May 21, 2012

You are Beautiful as You are

Photo by denis latraverse

When you feel small amidst the grandeur of your world, remember that you were created a part of that world; your existence is a stroke of paint that completes a masterpiece.


At times we see ourselves as lesser persons than the others.   These happen

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Life's Journey - Finding Our Way Home

Photo by Sweetverni

Life is a road of choices.  We live it by our day to day decisions and actions.  Which side of the road we choose to walk on, paints the perspective on what life is for us.  It is indeed a journey of discovering who and what we are in each and every step we take.

The journey is a race, not against others, but against the weaknesses and limitations of ourselves.  It is not to

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

If The Love of God Blesses You... (Henri J. M. Nouwen, "Finding My Way Home")

If the love of God blesses you, you have the eyes to see the blessedness of others.
 (Henri J.M. Nouwen, "Finding My Way Home")

You are God's beloved. That's how blessed you are. Embrace your blessedness, and you will see that the

Monday, April 30, 2012

Serenity, by Doris Lagrasse

To walk when others
     are running;
To whisper when others 
     are shouting;
To sleep when others 
     are restless;
To smile when others
     are angry;
To work when others
     are idle;
To pause when others
     are hurrying;
To pray when others
     are doubting;
To think when others
     are in confusion;
To face turmoil when others
     yet feel composure;
To know inner calm
     inspite of everything -
This is the test of Serenity.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Not A Sad Thing...

Photo by Sweetverni (Feb. 2012, UP Diliman, QC, Philippines

Loneliness is not a sad thing, 
but a discrete openness to a presence 
that the heart so long desires. 

A presence that may fill an empty space, 
or may clear out an occupied place. 

The heart has its own time to feel and fill,